i wrote on Monday that I was going to take the 24hours that my bff suggested I take. turns out, I needed a little bit more than that. more like 48 hours. after i did my first training for yoga work exchange (the coolest thing! 2 hours of work/wk for 2 free sessions!), I was a bit tired, so i decided to just go to bed.

truth is i'm tired now, but i'd somehow find the energy i needed if i were planning on going to a happy hour, a thrift store, or a bookstore (all of which are options at this point, lol). so i must challenge myself to be productive tonight. even if i only work for 2 hours - or 30 minutes. i need to get somewhere. i will be happy if i write a coherent paragraph. 

so onward i go (keep your fingers crossed that i don't lose any more documents!).




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