Grow These Plants if You Love to PartyGarden Party: "

Nothing makes guests feel more welcome than homegrown ingredients and touches, be they edible or decorative. Obvious marijuana jokes aside, there are lots of great plants to cultivate in your garden if you love to throw parties. I've chosen a handful of favorites, all of which are relatively easy to grow, lovely to look at, and practical for entertaining.

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I'm selling $5 (or 5 for $20) raffle tickets for PIAP's 3rd annual pink party (09 October 10)! Enter for a chance to win an iPad, 27" flat screen, Nintendo Wii. $150 AMEX giftcard, OR to just support the cause!!! Email, im, or call me!

i wrote on Monday that I was going to take the 24hours that my bff suggested I take. turns out, I needed a little bit more than that. more like 48 hours. after i did my first training for yoga work exchange (the coolest thing! 2 hours of work/wk for 2 free sessions!), I was a bit tired, so i decided to just go to bed.

truth is i'm tired now, but i'd somehow find the energy i needed if i were planning on going to a happy hour, a thrift store, or a bookstore (all of which are options at this point, lol). so i must challenge myself to be productive tonight. even if i only work for 2 hours - or 30 minutes. i need to get somewhere. i will be happy if i write a coherent paragraph. 

so onward i go (keep your fingers crossed that i don't lose any more documents!).



mi pollo loca told me today - 
"i think you should really pray and meditate on what is holding u back".
what she was referring to was my stress about not being able to "grind" when necessary. i have a deadline - Chapter 2 (lit review) to my diss chair by August 1st. that's this Sunday. i.e. t-minues 6 days. she then proceeded to recommend taking 24 hours - 
"meditate, pray, do something fun!!!!!" 
i wish i could afford to : that was my response.
what's got me thinking now is, can I afford N O T to? 
what is this unshakable tendency in me that refuses to think that the brain, just like every other organ or living organism, needs, well...a BREAK???? 

it's just supposed to "WORK". like - all of the time.
all of the time?
really, Krystal?

i suppose there is some inherent logic in "re-booting" from time to time, since the likelihood of my brain just working like new without having some time to hibernate is, ummm, UNlikely. 

it's 6:09. i'm still at work (i ain't gots no internet at home, grr).  i've decided that thischickrighthere is right. i need some mental (and emotional, because let's face it, this thang is a labour of love)space.

so here's my 24 hour, i'm-not-gonna-think-about-my-dissertation, plan - 

  1. wanderlust at target (bikes, electronics, whatever).
  2. go home and spend some qt with magoo and esme (my cats).
  3. yoga 
  4. meditate, read, and pray (question for the Mighty Counselor: what is it that's holding me back? why can't i accept the power that you have given to me? what is it that makes me afraid to embrace my talents? how can i move beyond this fear (of being stupid)?  
  5. watch empty television (a la Disney channel, HGTV, Food Network, maybe the recorded episode of Mad Men from last night).
  6. Bed - early!
  7. Wake up - early!
  8. Go for a walk/jog (around my block, Kelly Drive, who knows)
  9. Workout @ gym
  10. Work (it's fun, really, if i had a sucky job this little sitchiachun would be waaaaay worse!).
  11. Make a list of reasonable work goals for the night, and mix in some play
  12. Back to the grind.  
here's my mantra - God created me in His/Her own image. start reflecting.

until next time party peoples.


vintage bike. also - want.
i want. from Uhuru furniture's blog.

power lines
cool jet streaks @ the franklins
and again ;-)
snow in el paso, just ain't right.

some pictures of good ole e.p. (you know, the old West Texas town?) -

(feels like i need some hocus pocus)

because my eyes drift from table -
to floor
to out of...


why can't i focus?
even to write this poem?


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